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Elegance, grace, refinement, personality - this puss has it all!

The Javanese is a Siamese type cat with a medium long coat, similar to its better known relative, the Balinese. It shares the luxurious silk of the Balinese coat, combined with the designer colours of the Colorpoint - lynx point, tortie point and red/cream point

The Javanese is a breed for owners who want a little spice in their lives. Although this elegant cat may appear somewhat delicate, in reality it is a muscular and very agile cat capable of amazing acrobatic feats.

Like the Siamese, Javanese will "talk" gently, reminding when they want your attention and greeting you whenever you return home, but the Javanese voice is softer and gentler than the Siamese.

Javanese have a delightful characteristic of using their paws paws like hands to open drawers and cupboards and many play 'fetch'.

Amazingly the Javanese appear to have personalities linked to their coat colours. Tortie points vary from a soft sprinkling of red and cream on a background of seal, blue, chocolate or lilac, to bold splashes of colon. They are often 'dizzy blondes' and entertain you with their antics

Red and cream are the most laid back and easy going of all colours. Lynx points are dramatic silvery stripes on a seal point background but Lynx points also come in blue, chocolate, lilac, red and cream point colours along with all possible tortie point colours. Lynx point personalities seem to vary between the very regal and dignified, to creative and entertaining and always ready to play with toys.

The Javanese coat is one of the most distinctive features, a soft, silky single coat that lies close to the body and develops into a plume on the tail. The fur should be two to three inches long on the body, longer and fuller on the tail to create the plume. Because there is no undercoat, they require little grooming and usually keep themselves immaculate. Easy to care for, their coats rarely mat and an occasional combing is all that is necessary to maintain their good looks.

Petcare Information and Advisory Service Australia

Last Update: 25/03/07 07:38 Views: 3818

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